Among the many challenges we have in the U.S. is blind commitment to party. the Democratic party has become so addicted to its own words that it hears no others. To call Joe Biden successful President for even the first two years is comical. the Democratic party has manipulated the media and messaging by labeling those who disagree are "uneducated, angry white men, southern bible thumpers" and all that noise. Another possibility is the Dems have gone so far off the reservation that their ideas no longer pass the giggle test. When minors are removed from their parents because the parents don't support mutilating them in the name of self-identity, that is not the parents being uneducated, simple minded, blah, blah... that is the Dems drinking their own Koolaid to the point of drunkeness. The same is true for hard core righties who believe no tolerance is better than total tolerance. There is a middle ground where You be you and I'll be me and it does not have to be totalitarian, as both parties seem to think.
To oversimplify only somewhat, he did not keep his promise to be a transitional president, and restore a good sense of succession in government. The farrago that was the debate eliding into the no-primary choice of Harris was avoidable; he needed only see himself as a one-termer, and oversee a process of primaries. As it was, the Harris nomination was, in the eyes of many, its own assault on the process.
Like most tragedies, the problem was the hero's inability to cope with mortality.
Among the many challenges we have in the U.S. is blind commitment to party. the Democratic party has become so addicted to its own words that it hears no others. To call Joe Biden successful President for even the first two years is comical. the Democratic party has manipulated the media and messaging by labeling those who disagree are "uneducated, angry white men, southern bible thumpers" and all that noise. Another possibility is the Dems have gone so far off the reservation that their ideas no longer pass the giggle test. When minors are removed from their parents because the parents don't support mutilating them in the name of self-identity, that is not the parents being uneducated, simple minded, blah, blah... that is the Dems drinking their own Koolaid to the point of drunkeness. The same is true for hard core righties who believe no tolerance is better than total tolerance. There is a middle ground where You be you and I'll be me and it does not have to be totalitarian, as both parties seem to think.
To oversimplify only somewhat, he did not keep his promise to be a transitional president, and restore a good sense of succession in government. The farrago that was the debate eliding into the no-primary choice of Harris was avoidable; he needed only see himself as a one-termer, and oversee a process of primaries. As it was, the Harris nomination was, in the eyes of many, its own assault on the process.
Like most tragedies, the problem was the hero's inability to cope with mortality.
Write a script or a speech for your choice of newly emergent leader: Shapiro, Klobuchar, Whitmer, etc.